Author: edie
How to develop a personal marketing plan to get ahead in your career
If you aren’t an owner or partner at a firm, you may not feel much pressure to market yourself. However, even if no one is pushing you to bring in new business today and you’re not looking for a job, you want to devote time to marketing to build your reputation and position yourself for new opportunities at your present firm or elsewhere. Learning to market yourself effectively can make a substantial difference in your career. Ideally, your firm will actively assist your efforts because you are bringing attention to the firm, but either way, your first step is to develop a personal marketing plan. (more…)
10 ways a summer intern can help with your marketing
College is almost out so this is the time to be looking for summer interns if you haven’t already done so. Students want experience in their chosen profession. Businesses need assistance at a reasonable cost. Internships serve both these purposes and more. Marketing interns are particularly useful because they can help with both administrative and creative tasks that are essential to effectively promoting your firm. Below are some suggestions for how a marketing intern can assist you, but explore other options depending on your hire’s education, work experience, strengths and weaknesses and your firm’s needs. (more…)
How women can strengthen their personal brand
In honor of Women’s History Month, I am dedicating this post to helping women with their personal brand. That’s not to imply that men don’t also need a strong brand and these tips work well for them too. However, I think that women need to pay extra attention to shaping and promoting an effective brand. The reality is that even in professions where women are well-represented, as you go up the food chain into senior management there are fewer and fewer women. (more…)
6 big marketing mistakes to avoid in 2022
In January, I presented a program on How to Successfully Market Your Firm in 2022. The reality is that what it takes to be successful doesn’t change that much from year to year. Thanks to COVID, some firms have put a new focus on marketing, but even as they spend more money, they keep making the same mistakes. So, the bulk of my program and this blog post is focused on identifying those problem areas and giving advice on how to fix them. (more…)
How to use evergreen content to market your expertise
Lawyers, accountants and other professionals often want to be seen as experts in their field but find it difficult to commit the time to achieve that goal. “Experts” need to consistently demonstrate their knowledge through writing and speaking. A single speaking engagement, published article or quote in the newspaper is not enough. While it is important to show you are knowledgeable about the latest developments in your field, you can also showcase your expertise with “evergreen content.” The added benefit is that it also saves time. (more…)
10 steps to social media success
Social media marketing is most effective when it is based on a well-thought-out strategy. Random posting is mostly a waste of time and money. You want to focus your social media activities where they are most likely to give you results. Whether you are just getting started or trying to improve your efforts, follow these steps to be more successful: (more…)
Marketing 101 for introverts
Years ago, I read the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. I recognized myself in the book and gained a new appreciation for the benefits of being an introvert. While the book talks about the value that introverts bring to any situation, it is tough to be an introvert and market yourself. When I started my own business, I realized I had to get out of my comfort zone because I needed to make lots of new connections. (more…)
5 musts for your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn is the most important social media platform for those who provide professional services. Every lawyer, accountant, financial advisor, and consultant should be active on LinkedIn regardless of whether they are targeting consumers or businesses as clients. This is because a large portion of business will come from referrals from other professionals who are all on LinkedIn. The first step in maximizing LinkedIn marketing is to develop a strong individual profile page. Here are a few musts to get you started: (more…)