9 tips for integrating video into your marketing strategy

1st, Feb 2018

The latest video marketing statistics illustrate why firms should be using video content to more effectively reach and engage their target audiences. However, many professional service firms have been slow to use video. At a recent Legal Marketing Association program, a panel of experts shared best practices for getting started with video.

1. Content comes first; then the format. In other words, don’t think “I want to do a video and I need to figure out what to put into it.” Instead, you need to focus on what message you want to convey and what you want to achieve and then decide whether video will support those goals.

2. Pre-planning is key. As part of your planning process, you should develop the content (bullets/partial scripts, graphics, etc.); vet the content; decide date, time, and place for videography; and prepare yourself/your speakers for how the process will work. Your goal is to be able to envision your video before you start recording.

3. Make your video content as evergreen as possible. Video has the potential to provide marketing benefits for years. The more evergreen the content – meaning it won’t go out of date – the longer it will remain useful to your audience and to your marketing. If you do want to speak on something timely, then also include some content that has long-term interest which you can later edit out and keep using.

4. Consider different types of video. Video content can include: profiles, war stories, firm overviews, video blogs, sizzle reels, news, interviews, webinars, etc.

5. Script it, but don’t overdo it. It’s important to plan out what you want to say. However, literally reading from a script the whole time is going to sound stilted and won’t engage viewers. It also may sound more like a sales pitch than useful information. It’s better to use bullets or an outline of the key points you want to remember. Also practice it so you feel comfortable speaking without reading.

6. Vet the content beforehand. As mentioned above, you want to make sure your content is accurate, doesn’t violate any ethical rules or laws (ex. use of intellectual property) and isn’t problematic for any other reason.

7. Record multiple takes. No matter how good it sounded the first time; do a few takes. Although editing can fix some mistakes; others can’t be corrected, and you would have to set up the whole thing all over again if it didn’t come out right the first time. Common issues include background noises, body language or realizing that your phrasing was confusing or misleading.

8. Outsource to professionals, at least in the beginning. Although it may seem easy enough to record and post a video, a professional video requires decent (and sometimes costly) equipment and skilled planning, production and editing. There is a learning curve and working with a professional is a great way to experience what is really involved in creating a high-quality video and decide whether it makes sense to do it yourself going forward. If you are determined to try it on your own, then start with something small. And remember that even though many people are used to viewing low quality visuals and lighting, the audio must be good quality.

9. Save money by doing multiple videos at the same time. There are costs to set up a video. If you can do several at a time, then that expense is spread over multiple marketing pieces.

Thanks to the LMA panelists, Dave McClintock, Robert Weiss, and Anca Munteanu; moderator and co-organizer Brandie Knox, and co-organizer Kimberly A. Connolly.

For more tips from the program, check out Kimberly’s recap.

Need more reasons to consider video marketing? Here are some great statistics from Robert Weiss at MultiVision Digital.

If you need help developing a successful marketing strategy to grow your practice, contact us for a consultation.
