Do you sound just like your competitors?

It’s one of the biggest marketing challenges professionals face – how to distinguish themselves from competitors. How many ways can you say that you advocate for your client’s best interests or help them minimize liability, reduce taxes, increase revenue, be more efficient, etc.? What do you do that is really so different from other lawyers, accountants, financial advisors or others in your field? (more…)

6 big marketing mistakes to avoid in 2022

In January, I presented a program on How to Successfully Market Your Firm in 2022. The reality is that what it takes to be successful doesn’t change that much from year to year. Thanks to COVID, some firms have put a new focus on marketing, but even as they spend more money, they keep making the same mistakes. So, the bulk of my program and this blog post is focused on identifying those problem areas and giving advice on how to fix them. (more…)

Don’t make these marketing mistakes

Finding the best way to market your business involves hard work and trial and error. While there is no easy path to effective marketing, avoiding some common mistakes can put you on the right track to marketing success. (more…)

6 musts for promoting your personal brand

We all have a personal brand, but many of us don’t know how to utilize it effectively to achieve our business goals. Learning how to shape and promote your brand can help you be more successful in your career and business whether you work for yourself or someone else. It enables you to stand out in a world where your competitors are easy to find and it can be hard to explain to people why someone should choose to work with you. (more…)

Top tips on building a strong personal brand

Like it or not, you have a personal brand. Your brand is about your reputationwhat you are known for and what people expect from you personally and professionally. The problem is that your brand may not be helping you because it isn’t distinctive, or you aren’t promoting it effectively. Below are a few tips I shared with the Nassau County Bar Association last month. (more…)

Can you explain why someone should hire you?

Let’s face it. It’s hard to stand out anymore. Your prospects can easily search online to find all your competitors and superficially compare you to them. It’s just as difficult to differentiate yourself with referral sources. We all know lots of people and can forget what someone does, or we know several individuals who do the same thing. Why should someone pick you to call or refer? (more…)

Personal branding tips to grow your business

By Edie Reinhardt and Marla Seiden.

Do you have a personal brand? Many people don’t know what a personal brand is and can’t identify their own brand. As a result, they can’t maximize their brand to improve their career and business prospects. Your brand describes what you’re known for and what people expect from you. (more…)