Marketing musts for the summer

While summer can offer a slower pace for many firms, most of us can’t afford to forget about marketing for a few months. Summer can be a good time to take on marketing-related tasks that often get neglected but can pave the way for better results for the remainder of the year and beyond. (more…)

How to get employees to help market your firm

In many professional service firms, only a small percentage of people are actively engaged in marketing. The remaining employees don’t participate. The reason for this is usually some combination of them being uncomfortable with marketing and/or not being asked or required to do it. However, it is a huge missed opportunity not to get them involved in at least small ways. (more…)

How can you maximize the ROI on your marketing? Think long-term.

If you are a business owner, where do you see your business in 3 years or 5 years? It’s easy to just focus on planning for the current or upcoming year. But if you only look at your revenue and expenses year by year, you are unlikely to make investments in your business that take longer to achieve results. Short-term thinking means losing out on long-term opportunities. (more…)

7 things to do this summer to improve your marketing

It’s summer, and for many, work-related activities slow down. For others, summer may offer access to additional help because of interns or the opportunity to hire part-time students. In any event, your marketing efforts should not be put on hold. This can be a good time to do things that often get put off. (more…)

Yes, you can find time to market. Here’s how.

One of the most common reasons I hear for why professionals don’t market their business is they don’t have time. Time is certainly a big factor. It’s very hard to run a business, handle clients and have a personal life. However, I think there is also another factor at play. A lot of professionals don’t like to market. If you dread marketing, then consciously or not, you won’t make time for it. How to get past that feeling is harder. Here are a few tips to help you find and want to find time for marketing: (more…)

New Year’s resolutions to jump start your marketing

Like it or not, you need to market your practice if you want to ensure a steady revenue stream. The start of a new year is a good time to look at what’s working or not with your existing marketing and resolve to do better or try new ways to market. Here are a few resolutions to consider for 2018: (more…)

6 steps to creating a marketing budget to grow your business

One of the biggest reasons marketing fails is because firms don’t set aside appropriate resources to getting it done. Regardless of the size of your budget, if you want to be effective, you need to think carefully about how and where you spend your time and money. How do you do that? (more…)

Biggest marketing takeaways for small firms

How can small firms improve their marketing? Earlier this month, I joined a panel discussion on marketing at the Long Island Tax Professionals Symposium sharing tips on how small firms can successfully market their practice. Regardless of what kind of professional service firm you have, the same rules apply – firms must clearly differentiate themselves, be consistent in their marketing and focus on building relationships. (more…)

Personal branding tips to grow your business

By Edie Reinhardt and Marla Seiden.

Do you have a personal brand? Many people don’t know what a personal brand is and can’t identify their own brand. As a result, they can’t maximize their brand to improve their career and business prospects. Your brand describes what you’re known for and what people expect from you. (more…)