10 ways a summer intern can help with your marketing

College is almost out so this is the time to be looking for summer interns if you haven’t already done so. Students want experience in their chosen profession. Businesses need assistance at a reasonable cost. Internships serve both these purposes and more. Marketing interns are particularly useful because they can help with both administrative and creative tasks that are essential to effectively promoting your firm. Below are some suggestions for how a marketing intern can assist you, but explore other options depending on your hire’s education, work experience, strengths and weaknesses and your firm’s needs. (more…)

How women can strengthen their personal brand

In honor of Women’s History Month, I am dedicating this post to helping women with their personal brand. That’s not to imply that men don’t also need a strong brand and these tips work well for them too. However, I think that women need to pay extra attention to shaping and promoting an effective brand. The reality is that even in professions where women are well-represented, as you go up the food chain into senior management there are fewer and fewer women. (more…)

6 big marketing mistakes to avoid in 2022

In January, I presented a program on How to Successfully Market Your Firm in 2022. The reality is that what it takes to be successful doesn’t change that much from year to year. Thanks to COVID, some firms have put a new focus on marketing, but even as they spend more money, they keep making the same mistakes. So, the bulk of my program and this blog post is focused on identifying those problem areas and giving advice on how to fix them. (more…)

Marketing 101 for introverts

Years ago, I read the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. I recognized myself in the book and gained a new appreciation for the benefits of being an introvert. While the book talks about the value that introverts bring to any situation, it is tough to be an introvert and market yourself. When I started my own business, I realized I had to get out of my comfort zone because I needed to make lots of new connections. (more…)

Don’t make these marketing mistakes

Finding the best way to market your business involves hard work and trial and error. While there is no easy path to effective marketing, avoiding some common mistakes can put you on the right track to marketing success. (more…)

3 things you must do on social media every week to be successful

Legal and financial professionals are usually years behind other businesses when it comes to social media marketing. Yes, professionals often get the majority of their business through referrals, but social media can help increase referrals as well as build your credibility and reach new prospects. In order to compete, at a minimum, professionals must make time for these things every week: (more…)

How to get more clients with “owned, earned and paid” media

The most successful marketing incorporates multiple channels to get a message across. Yet, many professionals will focus all of their efforts on one or two things missing great opportunities to develop new business and stay in touch with potential referral sources. This is a big mistake because it often doesn’t cost that much more time or money to push out your marketing piece through other outlets. Before you limit your marketing, consider these options: (more…)

How to improve your ROI on public speaking

Public speaking has always been a very effective way for professionals to market themselves. These days instead of doing a seminar in a room full of people, it’s a webinar or meeting on Zoom or similar platform. But the rules haven’t really changed. If you want to maximize your public speaking and improve your return on investment, the first step is to develop a strategic plan. (more…)

What does Google say about you? 6 tips to help beef up your online presence

When was the last time you googled your name? If you haven’t in a while, do it now and regularly hereafter. Studies show that over 70% of people research someone online before hiring or doing business with them. They may google you before or after contacting you to verify your credentials, learn more about you, and/or compare you to competitors. That’s why it’s essential to pay attention to what shows up in your Google results and think about how you can beef up your online presence. (more…)