How to develop a personal marketing plan to get ahead in your career

If you aren’t an owner or partner at a firm, you may not feel much pressure to market yourself. However, even if no one is pushing you to bring in new business today and you’re not looking for a job, you want to devote time to marketing to build your reputation and position yourself for new opportunities at your present firm or elsewhere. Learning to market yourself effectively can make a substantial difference in your career. Ideally, your firm will actively assist your efforts because you are bringing attention to the firm, but either way, your first step is to develop a personal marketing plan. (more…)

How women can strengthen their personal brand

In honor of Women’s History Month, I am dedicating this post to helping women with their personal brand. That’s not to imply that men don’t also need a strong brand and these tips work well for them too. However, I think that women need to pay extra attention to shaping and promoting an effective brand. The reality is that even in professions where women are well-represented, as you go up the food chain into senior management there are fewer and fewer women. (more…)

What does Google say about you? 6 tips to help beef up your online presence

When was the last time you googled your name? If you haven’t in a while, do it now and regularly hereafter. Studies show that over 70% of people research someone online before hiring or doing business with them. They may google you before or after contacting you to verify your credentials, learn more about you, and/or compare you to competitors. That’s why it’s essential to pay attention to what shows up in your Google results and think about how you can beef up your online presence. (more…)